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How we collect, use and share your personal health information. 



We collect, use and disclose (share) your health information to:  

  • Treat and care for you 

  • Plan, deliver and manage our services and programs 

  • Be paid or process, monitor, verify or reimburse claims for payment 

  • Educate our health staff and students 

  • Dispose of your information 

  • Seek your consent (or consent of a substitute decision maker) where appropriate 

  • Conduct research (subject to certain rules) 

  • Compile statistics 

  • Conduct risk management and quality improvement activities 

  • Allow for the analysis, administration and management of the health system 

  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements 

  • Fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law 


Our collection, use and disclosure (sharing) of your personal health information is done in accordance with Ontario law, and is regularly audited internally. 



You have a right to make choices and control how your health information is collected, used, and disclosed, subject to a few exceptions.  


For most health care purposes, your consent to use your health information is implied through your consent to treatment, unless you tell us otherwise. We may also collect, use and share your health information in order to communicate or consult with other health care providers about your care unless you tell us you do not want us to do so.


You have the right to ask that we not share some or all of your health record with one or more of our staff members or ask us not to share your health record with external health care providers (such as a specialist). This is known as asking for a “lockbox”.  If you would like to know more, please ask our Privacy Officer or your health care provider. 


There are circumstances where we are not allowed to assume we have your consent to share information, such as sharing with people who do not provide you with health care, your insurance company, landlord, or your employer. We also need consent to communicate with any family members or friends with whom you would like us to share information about your health (unless one or more of these individuals is your substitute decision-maker).   


Your choice to say no may be subject to some restrictions under applicable law and reasonable notice.  



You have the right to access the health information we hold about you, whether in the health record or elsewhere (with limited exceptions). If you request a copy of your record, one will be provided to you at a reasonable cost. If you wish to view the original record, one of our staff members must be present. If you need a copy of your health record, please contact our Privacy Officer or ask your care provider who will explain the process. 



Your health record includes information relevant to your health including your date of birth, contact information, health history, family health history, details of your physical and mental health, records of your visits, the care and support you received during those visits, results from tests and procedures, and information from other health care providers.  

Mushkegowuk O.M.A. is committed to protecting individual privacy and the confidentiality of the personal health information it holds. 


Mushkegowuk O.M.A. is the health information custodian (“HIC”) and its employees are its agents for the purposes of the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004.  


Your information is stored electronically in our Electronic Medical Record. The information in your health record belongs to you, but the health record itself is the property of Mushkegowuk O.M.A.  



We encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have about our privacy practices by emailing  


If, after contacting us, you feel that your concerns have not been addressed to your satisfaction, you have the right to complain to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.   


The Commissioner can be reached at: 

2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400 

Toronto, Ontario M4W 1A8 


1-416-325-9195 (fax) 

or visit the IPC website via   


Frequently Asked Questions

Patient Privacy

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Moose Factory Office

(705) 658-4222

PO Box 370

12 Centre Road, Moose Factory, ON P0L 1W0

Fax: 705-658-4250

Timmins Office

Direct line: (705) 269-6662

Alternative: (705) 268-3594

11 Elm Street North

Timmins, ON  P4N 6A3

Fax: 1-888-777-5708

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Background Landscape Photos by Roger Lamothe

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